Sunday, November 1, 2009


Another fun Halloween night was had by all!

Anxiously awaiting the first trick or treat expedition.

We're very serious about our poses...we like to get into character!

Keeping the neighborhood safe.
with our backup.
With neighborhood friends.

Still a very serious Super Girl, with a Cow Princess as our side-kick

Greg calls this her "Vogue magazine pose".

And, as all good Midwestern Halloweens end up, the girls in their winter coats ready for more candy!

Hannah Grace's new favorite phrase..."Trick or Treat"

At some point in the afternoon, Lily received a pair of pink vampire teeth which the girls kept sharing with each other, hence Hannah Grace's pink mouth in the picture above.

Hope your Halloween was as much fun as ours!

p.s. Lily got a lot of little Almond Joy candy bars.
She doesn't like Almond Joy candy bars...but, guess who does!