Friday, October 29, 2010


Recently, someone 

who shall remain anonymous

{but is in this picture}

 asked me if I used spellcheck on the blog.

I admit, I was slightly offended.

While not an English major,
I pride myself on my use of spellcheck
and grammatically correct sentences.
{although, my college English professor told me I had some issues with my use of the comma}
{I either insert it throughout my writing at all of the wrong times}
{or, ignore it completely}

So, I went back to the last post and read through what I had written.

In the email it was implied there was something amiss
with my spelling of the word sweating.

I didn't remember talking about anyone sweating.

After reading through the post I still didn't know 
what the email writer was referring too.

And then it hit me.

Bless her little heart

Not only do I use dalmation material to make her cowgirl chaps...

but, I tell everyone I call her Sweat Pea.
For the record, she is not a sweaty child.

She is precious and sweet...

and her nickname is Sweet Pea!

and I will pay more attention to spellcheck's recommendations.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Things have been busy at the Johnsons the last few weeks

This SweatPea 
had a great season playing soccer.
As in all things, she plays hard and plays too win!
 And when she gets tripped up she always gets right back up and into the game.

There is nothing better...
 then running...
 as fast as you can....
 just because you can!

And the cheerleaders.

 This SugarPlum
 has also been busy.
One sunny morning I found her outside dressed like this...
heading for her sidewalk chalk in the driveway.

She turned "free"
 At times she hangs out with her baby brother
 and other times moves onto something else.

Lastly, we have this little guy...
 who is just...
 busy being...
 We've had a hard time coming up with a nickname for him.

Lily's is SweatPea and Hannah Grace is SugarPlum.
If I call Lily "SugarPlum" she'll say to me-
"Momma, I'm not SugarPlum, I'm SweatPea."

If I call Hannah Grace "SweatPea"
She'll tell me
"Momma, I'm not SweatPea, I'm SugarPlum."
They take these things seriously.

Lily keeps asking what Oskar's nickname is going to be
I had been calling him Bubba...

But, Greg did not like that

He said you only called someone Bubba
when they were really your brother
If you weren't being nice to them.

I've tried to stop calling him Bubba..

but, I've had a hard time with it...
because he's just so Bubbalicious!
 I have been busy trying to get Halloween costumes together,
which includes creating a Cowgirl costume for Lily.
 Here is how I spent my afternoon...
attaching "chaps" to an old pair of jeans...

I was thinking about two different things when I took these pictures...

1) While I was busy measuring, cutting, and gluing these we had three plumbers downstairs working on the plumbing for our basement.  When I decided to take a picture or two of what I was doing for the blog, I tried to do it discreetly so that the plumbers wouldn't know what I was doing.   I don't know, but I don't think plumbers take pictures of themselves plumbing.  Anyways, I was caught three different times, camera in hand taking a picture of the unfinished pants.  Each time the plumber was very nice and just smiled at me as he walked by and I quickly tried to put the camera down.
2) The other thing is I didn't realize until I got home from JoAnne Fabrics that I had mistakenly bought a yard of dalmatian print fabric instead of the cow print fabric...
I'm betting Lily won't notice!

Well, that's our update for right now.

The plumbers have also left for the day and have completed all their work.

Tomorrow the workmen come to start putting up the drywall.

I am going to try to get down there tonight to take some pictures of how things are shaping up
and I'll try to post them soon so you can see the basement come together!