Friday, October 29, 2010


Recently, someone 

who shall remain anonymous

{but is in this picture}

 asked me if I used spellcheck on the blog.

I admit, I was slightly offended.

While not an English major,
I pride myself on my use of spellcheck
and grammatically correct sentences.
{although, my college English professor told me I had some issues with my use of the comma}
{I either insert it throughout my writing at all of the wrong times}
{or, ignore it completely}

So, I went back to the last post and read through what I had written.

In the email it was implied there was something amiss
with my spelling of the word sweating.

I didn't remember talking about anyone sweating.

After reading through the post I still didn't know 
what the email writer was referring too.

And then it hit me.

Bless her little heart

Not only do I use dalmation material to make her cowgirl chaps...

but, I tell everyone I call her Sweat Pea.
For the record, she is not a sweaty child.

She is precious and sweet...

and her nickname is Sweet Pea!

and I will pay more attention to spellcheck's recommendations.


  1. You have made Mor Mor and me laugh today when we really needed to. We love you all. Especially our sweet "sweaty" Grandkids. Papa Ocean

  2. I Think he is definitely a Bubba! just look at that tummy!
    Great pictures!

  3. Sweet - Sweat - What the Heck - as in GROUNDHOG DAY parlance "heck-fire"!

    Love seeing these photos... especially the of the darling children who grow up too fast!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  4. I know my syntax is questionable. Please take it in a spirit of my LOVE for you All!
