Friday, May 15, 2009

Second Installment

Scroll down and read the First installment first and then this will all make sense!

Now, we'll try for the rest of the post, somehow I haven't been able to post any pictures because I tried to post one from Calico Corners...I'll try again now!

Here is the kitchen, the fridge is the only thing that is new, not a lot of counter space but it would work. We'd have to find a small table and chairs--eat in kitchen--no dinning room. There is a full basement with washer and dryer so we'd be able to store our dinning set and everything else down there. The women in the picture is one of the realtors of the home--not the one we are working with. And, for the last picture of this house--the living room!
The women in this picture is the realtor we are working with...Greg went and saw this house and one other one with her today. The girls and I are meeting her tomorrow to see this house and two houses in Hinsdale in the afternoon. In the living room we'd obviously have the sofa and flowered chair. Then we'd use some form of a corner cabinet for the TV. You can't see it, but the front door is just to the right of the picture. I hope all of these pictures and posts make sense. Greg took all of the pictures today, but didn't get any of the closets...I'll get to see those tomorrow.

We ended up deciding to stay in Hinsdale/Clarendon Hills for a couple of reasons. One, we know the area and have friends here besides being close to my work. But, the bigger reason is because it keeps us close to Roger, who helps with pick up from preschool and hopefully might be able to help with some transportation for Lily between kindergarten and day care. We also then don't have to find a new day care center, we'd certainly stay at Peter Pan. Although we might also be able to find someone to watch the girls during the day when I go back to school and Greg is working. Also, since we only plan/hope on renting for 6 months to a year, I feel better about having Lily start school in 181. I know the system and the schools and then when we're ready to buy, I'd feel fine with transferring her to a new school system.

Now, I'll put all of the pictures of the other house in no particular order and probably without much talking! I'm not feeling a whole lot of love for this house, Greg said it smelled a little like kitty litter and does not have central air...we'll see what happens tomorrow. There is a third house I'll see tomorrow as well, a small ranch in Hinsdale. Our realtor says that some houses we can negotiate a lower price, especially if the house has been sitting without being rented for the last two months. Not sure if that will really happen, but we'll see.
Ok, these two posts got really long, but since you Mom and you Lauren are the only two who read this blog, I figured I could say however much I wanted and not worry about losing either of your interest! Feel free to let me know what you think and any decorating ideas you might have. Love to you both!

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