Monday, August 24, 2009

ABC easy as 123

So, it has now been three days and still no notice of or comments about the blog. It would seem my two readers, Mom and Lauren,are not checking the blog on a daily basis. Now that I know how to upload the pictures I am going to try to keep this up more regularly. I was actually going to take some pictures of our house today to show you what we've done, but the memory card was full...and that's something I don't know what to do with!

So, now that Lily has begun public education we have entered into the world of homework and projects...including long term projects.

The first project Lily had to do was take a picture for each letter of the alphabet. The school gave her a disposable camera and I tried to give her free reign in being the photographer. This resulted in us having only 7, out of 26 pictures that were printed and recognizable to use for her book. So, we went back to our pictures from our summer vacation and snapped a few with our digital camera (i.e., Q-tips, Ice cream, and Pogo sticking in action).

The Heuber Junior family made it into the alphabet book and I wanted to share my favorites from her book!

Vacation with my cousin.

Uncle Bobby

Exercise with Aunt Lauren

Lily had good time making the book and I was good about keeping my hands off of it and letting her make her own project...even when she was slapping the pictures in the book and some of the edges of the pictures were overhanging the edge of the book. It is all pure Lily!

As I re-read what I've written I realize that I use the word "so" frequently to transition to a new thought. But, I will leave you with this last picture of our accessory queen, who still at times demands to sleep with her hair bow and will pat her head and say "Hair bow go?" when she realizes she is accessory-less!

Notice the hot pink goggles that match the pink dots on her suit, casually strewn around her neck...she is a walking fashion plate!

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