Friday, August 28, 2009

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Today was a first.

Today, I dropped Lily off at school on my way to my school.

She didn't want me to park and walk her up to her line, she just wanted me to pull up in the drop off lane and drop her off in front of the school like the other big kids.

She seemed fine with everything...I was a little distracted as I watched her in my rear view mirror, making sure she headed in the right direction as she walked with a friend.

And, then it happened.

I became that mom...

You know that crazy mom in the drop off lane...

the one teachers and other parents smirk at...

The crazy mom who makes an illegal left turn and immediately gets pulled over by the police?

Yes, that was me...I was the crazy mom who got a moving violation ticket today.

The police officer was nice, but told me the "Chief and school officials are so fed up with people making a left at that corner I have no discretion here" I sat in my car horrified that the chief of police and school officials were "fed up" with the likes of me.

He did give me a ticket but didn't take my license, only giving me supervision...
I thought only criminals got supervision.
I can now tell people "Hi, I'm Shannon and I'm on supervision with the Downers Grove police department for the next 90 days."

He told me that I should pay the ticket within a week and that while on supervision for 90 days I could not get another ticket. I made sure to tell him this was the first ticket I had ever received.

As we both pulled away I pulled out my cell phone and called Greg.

"I just got pulled over and got a ticket"

"You did? What happened?"

"I made a left onto Fairview after dropping Lily off"

"Oh, that's right, you can't do that."

"I think I'm going to cry." {big sob}

"Shannon, don't cry. It's only a ticket. Everyone gets tickets."

And so my Friday began.
I owe the city of Downers Grove $75...and will never make a left at the drop off line again.


  1. I've gotten a ticket for running a stop sign. Twice. Same stop sign. I've gotten a ticket for speeding in a 35 MPH area. I've gotten a ticket for an expired license and a ticket for a NC plate after living in SC for way too many years. I've gotten a ticket for parking in one of those areas designated "for these shops only" and then watched as my car get towed. This is just a small sampling. And we know Bobby has his fair share. He just recently got pulled for going too slow. So Shan, we feel your pain and love that you are "that mom" who watches Lily in her the way, did you have a blinker on when you took that left??

  2. Shan, I'm going to try this comment thing. Let's see if it works

  3. Okay, it works. My run-in with the law happened late at night, a long time ago, Jan 26, 1983 to be exact. It was on the interstate from Ft Rucker Alabama to Aunt Linda's house in Atlanta. I was following, at a high rate of speed, a car that had a radar detector. I figured he would get the ticket if detected. Next thing I know I see blue lights in my rear view mirror and they are on a car making a u-turn across the median. I slow down and look for him to pass me and go after Mr. I've got a radar detector. But Nooooo!!! Trooper Buford T. Redneck pulls me over. Seems he zapped me going 86 in a 70 zone. Well actually it was 90+ but who am I to argue with an Alabama state trooper, especially with me having California drivers license. He is very polite, keeps calling me Robert and writes me up for a ticket for a $100 fine, payable by check through the mail. PTL, no jail, no bond, no big deal. My sister will loan me the C note. So I relax and decide to engage in some cross cultural bonding, him being from Alabama and me being from California. So I ask him why he got me instead of the lead car. Remember the one with the broken radar detector. "Well Robert" he says, "the other guy was past me before I could get the radar gun up, and when I did you were in the sights." Leave it to me to find the slowest gunman in the Alabama State Police. So I told him that I had seen on TV that day that there was a 1000 man State Police escort for the funeral of Alabama football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant. As a point of history, in Alabama Bear Bryant is still considered to be the fourth member of the Trinity. But I digress. So I said that I thought that the roads might have a few less patrol cars that night. Trooper Redneck lamented that indeed he was at the funeral and it was a sorrowful thing to escort "The Bear" to his eternal reward, but sorrow or not the roads of the fine state of Alabama had to kept safe. So it was time to end this enlightnig, albeit exspensive conversation, and head on down the road. But the trooper had one last word of advice, he said "Robert, 27 miles ahead is the Georgia state line, now ya'll can go as fast you want once you pass that line, but for the next 27 keep it under 70, now ya'll have a nice day, ya'hear." Every time I see something about Bear Bryant on ESPN I think back to that night with a chuckle. BTW I never paid back the $100 to Aunt Linda, don't tell her!

  4. Oh, I love it, I love it! I really belly laughed when I read Lauren's comment! And even dear,little Bj - too many hours of driving with Grandpa Livingston I'd say. Remember???

  5. I am starting to believe that this is a confessional. It's a safe place to share all (well, not all, but all regarding speeding and ticketing. I love that we also make comments not only on the blog, but we make comments on the comments. Do we need a sub-section for this? Rob, very funny comment-entry...I can see it all unfolding as you told the story...good stuff.

  6. I know, I'm loving the comments as well! Lauren, you're comment made me laugh and realize I really don't need to be that nervous about getting another long as it doesn't happen in the next 90 days! I'm so glad everyone has learned how to comment.
