Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Off to bed sleepy head

Everybody is on the mend in our home!

We've still had beautiful days this week and have spent every afternoon outside.
After a heavy afternoon of playing in the dirt and painting with the neighborhood girls, these Johnson girls were in need of bubble baths and bed...
this is how we calm down before bed!
There was nobody on the other end of the that phone...
she kept pressing the button that makes the phone ring and then answering it!
And yes, I did eventually put some pajamas on that little one!
She's just too cute running around the house like that.

Someone precious
is turning 6 in two days and can hardly stand it!

Someone else who is precious
arrives in Chicago in 3 days, just in time for another birthday party!
Let the slumber party begin...

and you thought you'd be sleeping alone?!

On the last note for the night-There is work to be done in our house...little does MorMor know the projects we have in store for the week! I thought I'd add two pictures I've taken of our home. One is of the girls room and the other is looking at one side of our living room. Our biggest issue with the house is storage...there is none. So, we have stuff and we need to figure out where to put our stuff. Please disregard the mess in the pictures below. I'm planning on taking more pictures at some point and then getting your (Mom and Lauren's) advice on what I should do! Anyone else can add their two cents if they'd like...I'll just probably be more likely to take Mom and Lauren' offense!
Living Room

I'd love to get some type of wooden or dark sculptural piece to go along horizontally under the clock...something like a wood carving of the last supper--wouldnt' that be perfect!? Since I don't have any of those kind of pieces, I'm thinking of hanging some plates that I have...but not sure if that will look odd with the three pieces going up the side? I also arranged the bookcase, by color although I haven't done anything with the top shelf yet. Most of the books on this bookshelf seem to be my books, so Greg doesn't care that they are organized in a manner that has nothing to do with the books other than the color of their jackets! The bottom two shelves are for toys and the girls books and look a little messy. Roger brought over dinner from Panera that night, hence the paper bag.
The Girls Room

Here is a picture of the girls room taken from the door. The puff balls look really pretty against the bright blue of the walls. Not knowing how long we'll live here, I keep thinking two matching twin beds would look so cute in this room. I can't remember when we moved Lily out of the crib...but, Hannah Grace has never thought to get out of the crib, so she'll be staying there for awhile.

Well, this sleepy head is off to bed--hope ya'll are having a good night!

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