Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Right up the nose.

The girls received their flu mists (do you still call them shots if there are no needles?) today.
Lily was relieved not to have a shot, just two little mists up the nose.
Hannah Grace sat still for the first mist, then turned her head
during the second mist...
Mama's sweater got a nice inoculation against this season's flu.
Apparently there is only one mister per person, so Hannah Grace got half a dose and that's all she's going to get this season.

We did not qualify for the ever elusive H1N1 flu shot.
So, we'll be surviving on these seasonal flu mists until the summer.

In other news, I with my straight hair am wondering what to do with this...

It seems to get bigger and bigger throughout the day and there is no way a comb would pass
through these tumbles without causing a lot of tears.

We girls will be home tomorrow. Lily has a half day of school
and since she only goes for 2 hours they decided that her AM kindergarten class
does not have to attend. I have a slight sore throat and have decided that best cure for that would be a day at home!

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